Wednesday, March 16, 2011

She's not gone ..

Hi guys..So today as I was checking Stardoll,looking at GBs and so on..

I found out that .. Guess what ? Mizzmileycyrus9 is not gone,indeed she's back!
That's very disapointing..But when I red her presentation she wrote this :-
Well..To be honest I thought that she won't go that easy.And I was right...
But if you saw the picture above she wasn't proofing to people that she isn't guilty.
All she wrote is something about her designs..Anyway..

Do you think that she will get new fresh ? Will you give her second chance ?
Do you think that she'll continue hacking ? 

Hello there!
Maxi is the name.
I live in UK,London.
I am Abdo-33 in Stardoll..
I love to joke,now I am here to say my real,honest opinion..
So yeh ! ;] that was that.
Keep in eye for my posts.


Stardoll,copying or getting copied..

Hey guys,Nour is here..

It's been long while..

Today I have got a really interesting article for you.

Few days ago I was chatting with a friend of mine (From Stardoll),and she told me about a website called "Doll and the city" it's a virtual website.

So today I thought I would make an account and see how it works,although I don't play virtual games other than Stardoll..

My friend told me how to do account and etc..

Then I was doing my doll's look and here's what I saw ..

Yes copying mouths! you can see how I organized them.

Yes,I know that some looks really different but Stardoll's quality is way better.

So..Who's copying who ? Did Stardoll found Doll & the city an inspiration ? or did Doll and the city found Stardoll an inspiration ?

What do you think is Stardoll copying ? or getting copied?

Tell me your opinions!


~Nour was here~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lets get over this again.

Hey portlens.
So.Lately alots and lots of people have been hacked elites and normal-Stardollians.
Actually when I say the  word 'Hackers' it immediately re-minds me of the word 'Rude' & 'Cruel'..

Now why people usually hack ? Usually because of rthe rares,super-star accounts and/or Stardollars but not only that they even hack for fame .. I mean it won't be positive kind of fame .. But it's still fame.

Now lets go through this again.

Jenna known as Emorox4eva - Got hacked because one of her comps at SMW (her blog) how she got hacked is that she clicked on a link and that link put a virus on her computer that would record/save every and anything she typed .. Hmmm
Marcela known in Dollywood as .Marcela.. - Got hacked by our very lovely memeber (cough) not! and who have forgot our episode yesterday ? what was it about ? oh none-other then SMHH (Stardoll's most hated hacker) - God didn't knew her yet ? Mizzmileycyrus9 !!. And she stole lots/all her rares and according to Marcela's presentaion Marcela informed Dollywood that she's leaving..

Now .. Lets go through a trip with pictures ,,,
First Jenna -

-Those are some of the rares/clothes the hacker stole.

 -When we first knew that Jenna was hacked .. *Credit to MDM for the picture*.

-Comments by some people and anonymouses telling some information about how the hacking happened .. *Thanks to MDM again.*
Now all this helped you to get what's going around right ?
Hacking is all over Dollywood.!!

Now let's go through Marcela .

Marcela left this in her pres to inform us that she's gone .. And she doesn't want those spotlights anymore.
*Credits to LNWC for this pic*

and here she said who's the hacker and she informed us that she's selling some rares that mizzmilycyrus9 left.

So ..What do you think of all this hacking thing ?
Should Stardoll improve their security ? Or not ?
Any thoughts ?

Love you :)
Peace out freaks.
~And Nour was here~

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Baby,You're fiiiiiiirework.

Hey guys :)
Lately "MizzMileyCyrus9" said that she's leaving Stardoll.
Here's what she left to us ..

But seriously no offense I don't trust her or believe her anymore.
I got a funny feeling that she might make new account,but who knows ?
But guys careful .. She might be somewhere there ;]
So what do you think ?
She leaving ? 
Not ?
Or feeling sorry for her ?
By the way according to Jenna's article in SMW when she showed us how the hacker stole the rares for 2 stardollars it's obviously NOT mizzblahblahblah it's a Turkish girl that's what an anonymous said..
~Nour was here~
Until next time

Up-dates .

Hey Portlens :D
Nour is here
so I thought of change .. 
Still about gossip & our cool interviews BUT It's going to be a radio ..
Because lately I have always wanted to be radio host but Lol I am just fifteen teenager..
So it's gonna be really fun :) 
I am starting posting from today I can't wait :D
See you next time ..
And I obviously changed the URL but our station's name is Nour's Radio Show
But our interview's show name is IF :]

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hiring our first writer ... DRUMS ROLL

Yes thats right IF is hiring the first writer ...
She/he knows but they don't know exactly they know that I am thinking of giving them part just yet.
This person have never ever worked in a blog but she/he gave me an example of her/his work and it stuned me couz he/she have never worked for blog .. And I am sure that this person will do great jop .I am not annoucing the name just yet ,BUT as soon as we get 1O followers at least that person will start posting so is I and we will start making the interviews when we get more then 30 followers (35 at least.) so keep in eye,follow,invite to let the fun begun.
~Nour was here~

IF upadate..!!

Nour is here :]
I am going to update you that from now on IF is not only an interviews show 
I decided today to make IF even mire excited by ..
Posting gossips AND much much more :)
Stay tuned turst meh
is going to be a StarDoll hit (Hopefully x])

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

IF's explination.

IF of Stardoll
welcome to IF of Stardoll ..
IF is an Arabian show..
But I wanted to make a Stardoll version of IF
so in IF we will have gossip and interviews
Our gossip will be our thoughts so our gossip won't be fake graphic things...
It will be our thought of things thats going around the virtual huge world StarDoll ..
So about our interviews it won't be any kind of interviews we will ask them some embarssing questions that no body ever got the dare to ask.
And also we will get two guests which makes it more fun if the two guests had different opinions and start fighting,Lol...Anyway we will give them an imaginal story and see how they will deal with all this stress in their imaginal life and through their imaginal life we will also ask them things about their real life .
So that will be interesting..Keep in eye couz fun means IF. :) don't forget to follow.

Toudles,Nour was here.